So, on Tuesday the 20th I had a choir concert. I was so excited for it because in one of our songs I had a violin solo. It is a very beautiful song by the composer Eric William Barnum who ironically, my private lessons teacher had known. Anyway, I had been keeping it a secret that I had a solo from my whole family, excluding my brother, for a few months (it was so hard!). When the day of the concert finally came, I had my family crying in the audience, and just about cried also, knowing that my teachers were all there supporting me.
This is a recording my brother took of the song, "Dreams of Thee":
Just last weekend my Grandma and my aunt came to visit after not seeing us for almost 8 years! Everything went well and I cried saying my last goodbyes, but hopefully they won't stay away so long anymore!
In my last post, I had mentioned that we got a new kitten. Well, we know now that it's a girl and I named her Gypsy. She has been getting bigger everyday just as any baby does, and she has grown out of drinking milk and is now eating hard kitten food with occasional wet food. It may not sound like a big deal to anyone ready this but Gypsy is a big deal to me. I love her like she's my own child.
School is almost up for me and next year I will be in 9th grade at the high school (Yay!). But for now, I am focusing on Wednesday because the whole 8th grade is taking a trip to Valleyfair! This will be the first time I have ever been and I am super excited! I'm ready to face my fears and conquer those big roller coasters! Wish me luck!
Also, check out my (just graduated) brother's books. He just published the third in his series, and they are most definitely a MUST READ!