Wednesday, July 23, 2014

New Update...

Hey, everybody!
No worries, I haven't stopped blogging or anything! I've been very busy lately!
So, recently I have been helping out with my school (music school) and regularly going to orchestra on Tuesdays and lessons on Fridays. And, I have written a new piece for our orchestra!! Believe it or not, I actually finished writing it in three days! (That's a new record) It is my favorite by far.
I know I don't have much to say but I will definitely try to post more by September.
For now, you can check out my tumblr where I post my photography and original quotes!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The new me

It has been so long since I've had fun, had inspiration, and had time to spend.Today I did. I have always been holding back my laugh because people tell me that it's weird and even my family tells me that it's too loud, but this week I have found the place where I belong and the friends that I love to be around. I can be myself, and laugh, and love. I don't worry what other people are going to think of me because the people around me are confident and fearless, and they don't care. I no longer have to feel like I have to hold back because people will think I'm showing off, I can laugh, and be as LOUD as I want. Earlier I thought that "being yourself" meant wearing the clothes you like and doing what you want to do, but it's more than that. Being yourself means BELIEVING in yourself, and once you believe in yourself you will LOVE yourself.

Today, I laughed. Not just any small or fake laugh. A REAL me laugh.
Today, I found inspiration to write again and to think again.
Today, I know who I am and where I belong. I have confidence in myself, even enough to sing in front of people without my heart racing. And I can "show off" because it doesn't make other's feel like they can't do it. It INSPIRES them to do more and work themselves up to that point.

Now, I can laugh. I can cry. I can inspire. I can love. And I can LIVE.

This is the new me...

Friday, June 6, 2014

Valley Fair

Yay! On Wednesday I went with the whole eighth grade to Valley Fair! I got to spend lots of time with my friends, and I even got a little tan (which was needed from the winter). The first ride we went on was the highest roller coaster there (200 ft.!) called the Wild Thing, and it just about took the life out of me I was so scared! That there is my best friend and I:
I was such a wimp that I didn't even go on any more thrill rides for the whole day! Although I did go on the river ride called Thunder Canyon twice and that was fun (something I could handle!). We all got home safely and we're ready to start summer vacation! Good riddance middle school, and heeeello high school!

Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one. - Dr. Seuss

Sunday, June 1, 2014

So much!

A lot has happened lately! It's all so overwhelming!

So, on Tuesday the 20th I had a choir concert. I was so excited for it because in one of our songs I had a violin solo. It is a very beautiful song by the composer Eric William Barnum who ironically, my private lessons teacher had known. Anyway, I had been keeping it a secret that I had a solo from my whole family, excluding my brother, for a few months (it was so hard!). When the day of the concert finally came, I had my family crying in the audience, and just about cried also, knowing that my teachers were all there supporting me.

This is a recording my brother took of the song, "Dreams of Thee":

Just last weekend my Grandma and my aunt came to visit after not seeing us for almost 8 years! Everything went well and I cried saying my last goodbyes, but hopefully they won't stay away so long anymore! 
In my last post, I had mentioned that we got a new kitten. Well, we know now that it's a girl and I named her Gypsy. She has been getting bigger everyday just as any baby does, and she has grown out of drinking milk and is now eating hard kitten food with occasional wet food. It may not sound like a big deal to anyone ready this but Gypsy is a big deal to me. I love her like she's my own child.

School is almost up for me and next year I will be in 9th grade at the high school (Yay!). But for now, I am focusing on Wednesday because the whole 8th grade is taking a trip to Valleyfair! This will be the first time I have ever been and I am super excited! I'm ready to face my fears and conquer those big roller coasters! Wish me luck!

Also, check out my (just graduated) brother's books. He just published the third in his series, and they are most definitely a MUST READ!

Monday, May 5, 2014


So, I realize I haven't been blogging for a long tome now! I've been practicing violin, writing music, and just plain being busy. Well, as you can see I have found spare time to write for once!
On Saturday, I went to an audition for a scholarship involving private lessons for composition. I ran into some problems along the way but everything has been sorted out and I have a good chance of receiving the grant. Yesterday I was supposed to go to a concert at the event center here with my brother but he had prom the night before and was too tired to make it in time so I am very disappointed about that. But on the other hand, yesterday, my eldest brother and I went to pick up two kittens that one of the girls he knew found on the side of the road (there were SEVENTEEN kittens!). He got a little black one and we got this one:

We don't yet know the sex of it but if it's a girl it will be Aura and for boy it will be Cosmo.
It has been raining here like crazy and all the snow is gone. We are all so happy that spring is finally here! The only problem is IT'S COLD.
School is almost out for summer which means that I no longer have to deal with the dramas of middle school! (Yay!) Next year I will finally be in high school and ready to meet new and better people.
Tomorrow I will be going to school early for an informational meeting for musical in high school and possibly show choir and my orchestra and choir concerts are coming up this month which I am very exited for!
Wish me luck, and I'll keep you updated!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Ten Livings

   So recently I have be working on a song called Ten Livings...
A few weeks ago I succeeded to finish it... although, it's not complete if I have no one to listen to it.
I sent it to my previous orchestra teacher even though all I got was a "Oh, that's sounds interesting..." and no real feedback. I have also been asking my current orchestra teacher if I could play it for the class to listen, and my best friend has been asking him also. He says that we can listen to it, but by the end of the day he always just disregards and "forgets". Ere all that, I had my family listen to it but no one really told me how it was...all I got was "Was that you actually playing the violin?".
   The only real support I have right now is from my brother and my mom. I have also been struggling with homework from the teachers who fail to teach us correctly, and all I here at school anymore is the dirt that comes out of everyone's' mouth. Even though the first quarter of the school year has ended, and I have gained all strait A's, I don't feel happy and I don't feel like I have learned anything.What bothers me the most is that most all teachers fail to listen to what the kids want or feel. They're here teaching us about how to stop bullying, but they're not teaching us how to prevent it... The reason why kids bully each other is because they may feel stressed out or overwhelmed, or maybe they're just trying to find their place in this world. I understand now because the way I feel makes me feel angry, and what we need to know is how to release our anger in positive ways. That is my message...

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Ok, so..
I haven't been writing any posts lately, so here's all that happened..

So last Thursday I got a new hamster! It is a girl, she is about 2 months old, and her name is Rain. Right now is the time to train her so I wake up many times during the night to do so. She already has a habit of chewing on her cage so I have been trying to break that one. She's really skittish and doesn't like to be held, but more and more she is getting used to me.
Last Friday my dad came back home since he didn't want to deal with all the crap going on where he was. So now he bought new stuff and a new computer hoping to just start over.
School is really boring... My math teacher gives us so much homework! Well, so do all my other teachers, but my math teacher is the worst. I've been making new friends and losing friends(due to speaking my mind about things).
Fall is turning to winter in Minnesota, the ground is starting to turn white, and the temperature is dropping.
And I really don't know how to end this post, so I'll just say bye for now.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


      So I have realized that everything that has been happening lately... My grandparents moving in, my brother moving in, my mom having a baby, my grandparents moving out, my hamster dying, my dad dad's stuff getting stolen....
I have realized that it is all happening for a reason, that reason we may not know yet but is soon to come for sure. I believe there are no coincidences, things will keep getting better, and everything will always work out in the end.
It is like a human to hate change, but we just have to remember what good will come of it. I hope the changes going on now will help me, my family, and my friends. And I hope for the best to come for all of us...

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Today I have to get used to more changes...
My dad left on a bus to Missouri today and wont be returning for about a month.
He is going on the journey to becoming a semi-truck driver. He has been talking about going for while now, but he also didn't want to be sad to leave. He was. After we cried out all our tears for a while, we headed back home. I pray for him to live a happy life in the time that he is not with us, and I will miss him dearly.
Even though he won't be here, we will all become a much closer and happier family just knowing how important we all are to each other...