Thursday, October 24, 2013


Ok, so..
I haven't been writing any posts lately, so here's all that happened..

So last Thursday I got a new hamster! It is a girl, she is about 2 months old, and her name is Rain. Right now is the time to train her so I wake up many times during the night to do so. She already has a habit of chewing on her cage so I have been trying to break that one. She's really skittish and doesn't like to be held, but more and more she is getting used to me.
Last Friday my dad came back home since he didn't want to deal with all the crap going on where he was. So now he bought new stuff and a new computer hoping to just start over.
School is really boring... My math teacher gives us so much homework! Well, so do all my other teachers, but my math teacher is the worst. I've been making new friends and losing friends(due to speaking my mind about things).
Fall is turning to winter in Minnesota, the ground is starting to turn white, and the temperature is dropping.
And I really don't know how to end this post, so I'll just say bye for now.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


      So I have realized that everything that has been happening lately... My grandparents moving in, my brother moving in, my mom having a baby, my grandparents moving out, my hamster dying, my dad dad's stuff getting stolen....
I have realized that it is all happening for a reason, that reason we may not know yet but is soon to come for sure. I believe there are no coincidences, things will keep getting better, and everything will always work out in the end.
It is like a human to hate change, but we just have to remember what good will come of it. I hope the changes going on now will help me, my family, and my friends. And I hope for the best to come for all of us...

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Today I have to get used to more changes...
My dad left on a bus to Missouri today and wont be returning for about a month.
He is going on the journey to becoming a semi-truck driver. He has been talking about going for while now, but he also didn't want to be sad to leave. He was. After we cried out all our tears for a while, we headed back home. I pray for him to live a happy life in the time that he is not with us, and I will miss him dearly.
Even though he won't be here, we will all become a much closer and happier family just knowing how important we all are to each other...

Saturday, October 12, 2013


So today I am sad to say that my beloved Thunder passed away... :(
We buried him under my favorite tree, and place a rock over the area.
I will remember the times when I gave him baths, when I got mad at him for chewing on his cage or being loud in the night, and most of all, the times I would hold him and love him...
He passed away this evening when I was cleaning his cage. I noticed he was being very slow and limp so I held him next to the heater, and he breathed his last breaths in my hands.
I will never forget him...
Rest in Peace, Thunder <3

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


The most beautiful song and music video...

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013


So lately I have been going outside (into our 90 acres of land) and taking pictures of everything outside. It is Fall here and so everything is turning to a wide variety of colors. Here are some of the pictures I took:
 This plant is called sumac. The fruit on it can be used to make tea, or I like to eat it raw. It has a very high source of vitamin c.

 Sumac leaves
 The sunset